If I Could Turn Back Time...

As I move into my mid-years of life I find myself becoming more reflective. Have I made the best decisions? What if I had taken the other path? I've entertained the thought of what I would do if I could go back in time and advise a younger and more naive me. With that thought in mind I have come up with 10 helpful advices I would impart upon a, say 18 years old me.

1) Learn to play the piano,

2) Start saving money now. Just 15% of your earnings each year will make a huge difference.

3) When this beautiful girl name Kathy, that you will meet in your first year of college, invites you over to her house to study know that SHE DIDN'T REALLY WANT TO STUDY! So don't say, "Oh you don't need me to help you." Idiot!

4) Take that $30,000 you received from your father's estate and in 1986 purchase Microsoft stock. Today that $30,000 investment would be worth almost $10 million.

5) Take more risk in life. Life is an adventure and it is best enjoyed with a racing heart and a cold sweat.

6) Once you started college you lost touch with your childhood buddy. Don't let that happen. He will need you in the future and I should have been there for him.

7) Time is moving faster than you think. Don't waste it doing mindless things like hours of television. Turn that boob tube off and do something.

8) Travel, even if it is only a few 100 miles away. See as much as you can before it is gone.

9) In 2000 you will debate whether to visit San Francisco or New York City, you decided on San Francisco. Instead go to New York and don't forget to visit the World Trade Center. Take pictures, you'll treasure that moment.

10) There's this guy name George Walker Bush, Jr. who lives in Texas; I don't know how you are going to do this but convince him not to get into politics. Believe me the World will thank you.

Ok, you know what I would do, now tell me what you would suggest to a younger you if time travel was possible.


Anonymous said...

Would have got my college degree like I had planned. It is the one thing that hunts me to this day. Not having a college degree cost me several jobs.

Anonymous said...

If I could go back in time I would not have married my first husband. He was abusive and caused me to waste years of my life. Things are better now but it would be even better if this period of my life never had happen.

Anonymous said...

What are you people thinking about??? Go back in time and give yourself the lottery numbers! Case Closed!

Anonymous said...

If I had a time machine I would have stayed in Austin and not moved to Memphis. Nothing against Memphis but my luck has not been good here. Sure it might have been bad in Austin too, but I have family and more support there. This was a bad move.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this go against the Space Time Continuum? Anything you change will only cause the same ending to occur. Ok I'm into scifi.

Anonymous said...

8:05 PM

Feeling you. Same thing happen to me but the jerk left me with one good thing a beautiful son that I love very much. He also left me stronger than when he met me. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

Anonymous said...

With out a doubt the thing that would change is the amont of time given to my boy. You work all your life to make better for your family but miss out on being with them. Now my son don't call me that much and you can't blame him for that.

Anonymous said...

TJ said...
With out a doubt the thing that would change is the amont of time given to my boy. Now my son don't call me that much

Why don't you call your son. After all, you are the father and the example. Reach out to your son. If he is not contacting you, it could be that he is hurt or resentful about something. Your son can only emulate what sees his father do. It is never too late. Reach out before it is too late.

Reginald Milton said...


10:05 am is right. Somebody has to be first. No matter what the problem is, in the end you two are father and son.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 10:05 and 6:16

Called my boy yesterday and we talked for nearly 2 hours. We were able to put away a lot of the crap that was in the way.

Anonymous said...

Called my boy yesterday and we talked for nearly 2 hours.

Good job. Keep calling him. Can't blame your son for the way he feels. Only with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, can your son overcome the resentment and the rejection he has felt. Pray that he will do so, some day. It took years to develop and it will take years to let go of.

Anonymous said...

The most important choice of all. DON"T MOVE TO MEMPHIS !!!!!!!!!

find another city far away from MEMPHIS,TN

Anonymous said...

4:13 PM said... "The most important choice of all. DON"T MOVE TO MEMPHIS!"

I've lived in Memphis, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, LA and Nashville. It doesn't matter, there's good and bad everywhere. I bet things aren't working out well for you right now, right? Don't blame the city and don't give up. Whatever the problem the answer is within you, not a location.

Anonymous said...

Would have stayed single. Missed out on a hole lot of things. My wife is ok but 9 out of 10 time she is yelling about something. And when she ain't yelling she bitching. Who needs this.

Anonymous said...

Just want to let everybody know my boy is coming for a visit. Thank all of you who caredd.

Anonymous said...

Just want to let everybody know my boy is coming for a visit. Thank all of you who cared

I am happy for you.