I was able to acquire a letter sent by Chairman Myron Lowery of the Memphis City Council to President Tomeka Hart of the Memphis City School Board. In this letter it clearly shows Lowery from the beginning of this brewhaha between the Council and the School Board has been trying to find a peaceful resolution. One that would be fair to the City taxpayers and the public school system. Is it the School Board that is throwing a wrench in the works?

THe schools get millions of dollars every year and what do they have to show for it???? It didn't take that much money when we went to school. Cut back on the waste and fire those teachers who don't know what they are doing.
Anon 8;59 I'm with you. I have no kids and they take enough of my money to educate these kids. If they don't have enough then CUT BACK.
obama is nice. his dog is nice too
"obama is nice. his dog is nice too"
Memphis is the only municipality in Shelby County to fund education. Unless the others get in the act, we Memphians shouldn't pay either. Memphis' portion of the funding should be assumed by the County.
I'll be curious to see if they meet.
4:19pm is right why should we foot the bill when the others sit around and just talk about us. Its time this city woke up.
Over $600K wasted on phone sex and getting your horoscope. They call this chump change!! Yea, the Memphis tax-payers are the chumps. Councilman Lowery don't give them a dime!
Low-ry just trying to be the center of attention. Nothing to see here folks just move along.
Myrons dog is nice too!
Schools use money for ring tones for administration. Not a bad use of money. Snoop Dog tones are great.
You can't blame the school for not being able to teach kids that come in sleepy, hungry, unprepared, and with poor home training. People expect too much from the schools.
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