With so many new members the meeting was somewhat subdued. Many not sure what to do or say, but rest assured they’ll find their voice soon enough. The order of business included electing the new Steering Committee. The appointments were:
1st Vice Chair - Desi Franklin
2nd Vice Chair - Cherry Davis
3rd Vice Chair - Howard Richardson
Secretary - Reginald Milton
Assistant Secretary - Zayid Saleem
Treasurer - Barbara Williams
Assistant Treasurer - Lynn Strickland
At Large 1 - Dianne Withers
At Large 2 - Ruth Davis
At Large 3 - Dave Cambron
At Large 4 - Mignon Perry
At Large 5 - Antonio 2-Shay Parkinson
Sergeant-at-Arms - William Jones
Parliamentarian - Natalie McKinley
Yes, you read it right yours truly has been selected to be the Secretary for SCDP. I can tell you when I was contacted at my home and asked if I would accept the nomination for secretary I had to give it some thought. I had reservations right up to the day, but I look forward to serving the Party.
It was also decided to continue holding our monthly meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month.
Finally Van spoke of the importance of moving forward on forming the Standing Committees and focusing on fundraising. I could not agree more.
You didn't point out that the secretary position was a race between you and Del Gill and you beat him.
Congratulations on winning the Secretary position. Here's to helping build the SCDP into all it can be.
Please keep us little people in the loop Mr. Secretary. We're here to serve, we just have to know what's going on.
Steve Ross
Hey a chair that shows up for meetings that's original.
Keith are you listening?
Congratulations Reginald! You will make a wonderful secretary and I look forward to working with you.
To steal a quote from the new Tigers' coach - we are ready to rock and roll with this new group.
Thank God Del was not elected. If he would just shut up some times and stop grandstanding. Doesn't he know how stupid he looks!
Oh yea, congratulation Reginold.
Congratulations Reginald. Best of luck to you.
Thank you everyone. I'm looking forward to the challenge. To all the other SCDP Steering Committee members, congratulations.
Also I would like to thank Del Gill for sending out copies of the by-laws, an overview of Robert's Rules, a member's list and past minutes. They were very helpful.
Del Gill congratulates Reginald Milton on his 35 to 28 victory!
Congratulations Reginald. Believe me, this was probably the shortest and quietest meeting we will have for the next two years. We need to have good folks keep the loudmouths subdued.
We also need productive people on these committees. That's where the real work will be done.
"Del Gill congratulates Reginald Milton on his 35 to 28 victory!"
Dell no body remember the score only the victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just don't let the secretary and the treasurer talk. The books will be "cooked". What in the world have we come to now. Is there really any hope or are we completely doomed. Good leadership is a thing of the past. Power hunger, greedy, self fullfilling and egotistical leeches.
This is a good time to consider our OPTIONS!! We do have options....!!!
THe party is going to have to spend time raising $$$$. If you don't have resources you can't get much done.
To 7:08 A.M.
"Just don't let the secretary and the treasurer talk. The books will be "cooked"."
You had me rolling on the floor laughing! Cook the books?! SCDP has so little money we can't afford to buy Crisco! As far as me being Secretary, what am I going to do, change the minutes to reflect the body voted me king?
Thank you so much, that made my day!
Hey Anon 708 tell us these options you are talking about.
Anon 708, still waiting. It seems you are better at spreading lies instead of coming up with solutions.
Mr. Milton should be Mayor of Memphis!!! Lets start a task force to look into this. What a leader he would be. Congrats on secretary!!!
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