Today, I reached out to Governor-Elect Bill Haslam, Congressman-Elect Stephen Fincher, Congressman Steve Cohen, and all of the State Senators and State Representatives who represent Shelby County to congratulate them on their campaign victories. These were all critical races with tremendous implications on the future of our city and our state. My message to them was very clear: Memphis is on a path to success in rebuilding our economy, improving our schools, and curbing the problems of blight, poverty, and crime... but the support of our allies in Nashville and Washington, D.C. is absolutely vital.
In the past year, I have worked hard to foster a new spirit of civility, collaboration, and cohesion in Memphis City Government. Although the campaign to forge a new metropolitan government here was unsuccessful, I am committed to working with Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell and his staff to make our governments more efficient, to develop a more competitive job-creation plan, and to improve the quality of life for this entire region. I look forward to working alongside our new Governor and our representatives in the United States Congress and the Tennessee General Assembly to achieve our shared goals for this city's future.
Please join me in congratulating these elected officials, both new and returning. Together, we will advance a plan for economic opportunity and inclusion for all Memphis families. I remain more optimistic than ever about Memphis' future and remain grateful for your support and feedback.
Yours in Service,