I just returned from a fundraiser for Commissioner Steve Mulroy, the place was packed. Steve Mulroy exemplifies the type of leadership we should demand from all our elected officials. While mingling I walked upon a conversation between an AC supporter and a Herenton supporter. They battled back and forth on who was best for Memphis and not surprising the discussion led to and settled on the issue of race. The Herenton supporter said, "Why is it now that blacks are in power that white people are all about Memphis coming together?" I've lived in Memphis for fifty-five years and when whites had power I never heard anything about coming together." The AC supporter countered, "Two wrongs never make a right, and Herenton divided Memphis racially." After about twenty minutes of listening to their bantering I decided to excuse myself.
Let me state that I'm the eternal optimist. The OneMemphis concept was made for people like me. Already I'm looking into getting bumper stickers, shirts and yard signs with this slogan.
AC is right, a city must have a dream. It must strive and reach beyond its grasp. How else can it grow? For far too long Memphians and former Memphians have declared it their personal responsibility to denigrate our fair city. From talk show host Ben Ferguson, "Glad you haven't been shot!" greeting to the Memphis taxi driver, thinking I was a tourist, sharing his disdain about living here. Memphians have become the city's worst promoters.
For those who state Herenton created racial divide in Memphis let me say it was here long before him and will regrettable be here long after all of us are nothing more than distant memories. No one person can be blamed for our present state but in my heart I believe that change starts with one person, OneMemphian.
Mayor Wharton, count me in!
Reggie - October 23, 2009 5:48 AM said...
"WELL, CARPENTER told you WHARTON's role is to be an educated PUPPET of FRED SMITH, PITT HYDE and the rest of MEMPHIS TOMORROW!!!"
Well checkout this article from the Memphis Business Journal (like I said AC is a modern day "uncle tomming ass waterboy" for White Folks)!
From Memphis Business Journal
Friday, November 6, 2009
What do you think A C Wharton's priorities should be to help Memphis grow as a business community?
Memphis Business Journal
Pitt Hyde
Founder, AutoZone, Inc.
I think it is very well outlined in the Fast Forward program. Of course, he was sitting at the table with us when that was put together.
I think that's what he's going to look to first. The key things I'm talking about he certainly embraces and sees the importance. From an economic development point of view, Fast Forward lays the foundation for what he will focus on, compounded with education and reduction of crime.
I think he should really scrutinize government and try to bring efficiencies to bear so that we can try avoid tax increases and the like.
I think there are a lot of efficiencies to be had. We worked very closely with him on an efficiency study in the county and they did a very good job of implementing that and I'm hopeful a similar process will take place in the city.
Dick Leike
President, Crye-Leike, Inc.
I think we have to pay attention to what it takes to bring business to this community and help the businesses that are already here. And we need to recognize we are competing with two other states when it comes to a lot of this.
We are all the same economy, but with three states competing for the same customers we need to make sure we are all three pulling together and giving priority to the incentives we have for existing business to remain in Shelby County.
Henry Turley
Founder, Henry Turley Co.
I think he should follow through with his 'One Memphis' campaign theme.
That means he would have to abandon the politics of race, which necessarily implies two Memphises.
Rather than basing things on race, he should have a progressive agenda built around a One Memphis consensus.
I would bet it would be simple things people share such as nice, clean, safe neighborhoods based around schools you want your children to go to. To effectively govern the city, he will have to attract very capable people
into his administration because he'll have a full-time job developing consensus, making it credible and getting people excited about having a
progressive and measurable agenda.
Dan Wilkinson
Chairman, Colliers Wilkinson Snowden
Consolidation is the most important thing we can do for the business community. I think if we can have consolidated government, we can compete more effectively with cities like Nashville, Dallas, Atlanta, Indianapolis
and Louisville, places like that which are distribution centers.
It's not going to save us a tremendous amount of money. There should be some savings, which are important in this day and age, but it will just present us a much more up-to-date, modern, 21st century community if we have
consolidated government.
I think A C is savvy enough to understand that you can't include the school system and he thinks there is a way that can be done.
If you're going to get it voted through successfully by both the county and the city, then you've got to exclude the school system and consolidate everything else...
Left Memphis 8 years ago and happy with the change. Yes I'm one of those people that talks about how bad Memphis is. Recently my attitude has been to try and say something nice about Memphis more than say something bad.
Reggie pleeeaassee... VISIONARY!
It seems the only vision WHARTON needs is to be able to read MEMPHIS TOMORROW's blueprint!!!
Count Me Out!!!
PS: BTW... Herenton, Wharton and yes even Carpenter are members of the "talented tenth society in memphis" (memphis' chapter of the first black fratenity... and it ain't A@A!). Herenton and Carpenter have managed to become a little bit to "enlightened" and are being "derailed" for "usage" by the "business leaders or White Folk CEO's." There are about 3 uncle tomming ass negroes that are allowed to be "honorary members" of Memphis Tomorrow but they know they are not business CEO's!!!
Mr. Milton when you said that part about those people talking about how the white people NOW want OneMemphis now they out of power. Thats what I been saying from the beginning. OneMemphis is going to be a hard sell. Look what the white people did to the Greenlaw area. They ran out of room downtown and kicked the blacks out.
To 5:59 A.M.
First I appreciate your input, but with that said help me understand what you are saying. You said, "AC is a modern day uncle tomming ass waterboy for White Folks!" What makes you say that and please be specific.
You also said that the blacks on Memphis Tomorrow are "uncle toms." Now what makes them uncle toms? These seem like hardworking, intelligent African Americans. Are you saying because they participate in Memphis Tomorrow they are some how betraying blacks? Don't just attack, explain your reasoning, please.
"(like I said AC is a modern day "uncle tomming ass waterboy" for White Folks)!"
Yes Del, we know what you and your buds think. Whites who wanted racial unity used to be labelled "n$@@&# lovers."
In fact, when Herenton decided to go racial after his second term, he was just following the example of a long line of white mayors from the '50's on.
So how is getting even with the white folks going to help anything? How will it help to bring new jobs to Memphis? How will it help to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure? How will it help to educate poor kids and get them out of a cycle of poverty?
Reggie... Let me help your blog keep score on the "crock of stuff" AC sold the 16% voter turnout he managed to best on Oct 15th.
During the battle to become County CEO (Mayor) on yesterday, take note of what the candid musings of Candidate for Mayor Joe Ford's comments revealed about what Memphis Mayor AC Wharton obviously concealed from Memphis' voters...
"FORD also said that his problems are minimal compared with cash-strapped institutions like The Commercial Appeal, or even the county government.
"Well, I got about $70,000 worth of debt and I got two or three lawsuits," he said. "The county government has $1.5 billion in debt and they got 214 lawsuits."
"My taxes has nothing to do with me being the mayor of the county. I've always paid taxes and my tax returns will reflect that."
-- Daniel Connolly: 529-5296 CA"
7:00 pointed out what Joe Ford said about the County being $1.5 billion in debt. Excuse me Commissioner Ford but doesn't that reflect on the poor job you have been doing? Ford now wants to put his offspring in his seat after he leaves. God help us!
somebody please enlighten me - if Memphis Tommorrow, Memphis Fastforward, or any other group will help to foster a positive change for this city, why is there so much resistance & negativity about these groups?
please enlighten me...
If you have something ((Positive)) to contribute - roll up your sleeves and do your part. It doesn't matter who gets the front page coverage. Your level of contribution can be small, medium or large, there is plenty of work for everyone.
One Memphis? Never going to happen. The problem is that there are some people who don't want One Memphis they want THEIR Memphis. They want power and connections so if their candidate don't win (Del Gill wanted Carpenter to win) they start spreading lies and attacking. Same thing with Norma Lester bunch. You see them over there like a pack of hens. These people that join SCDP do so for their own glory they don't give a damn about the party or democrats.
this city needs to do something before we die. Give onememphis a try and see if it make things better.
Reggie... Just want to keep a promise to "keep the score card on your ONE MEMPHIS WONDER - AC!"
WMCT-TV posted this "investigative story" about the MED a few days ago... one question - WHO wants to hear this "WE TOLD YOU STORY" AFTER you all elected the ONE MEMPHIS TRICK AC?
Here's the story:
MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - It's no secret The Regional Medical Center has struggled to keep its emergency room afloat.
But internal documents reveal that the company hired to cut costs at the hospital spent millions of taxpayer dollars on expensive suites, lavish dinners and daily travel.
The Med, Tennessee's oldest hospital, is owned by Shelby County taxpayers. The facility houses the top trauma center in six states and a 150-mile radius.
But the troubled economy has put The Med's emergency room in jeopardy.
Last month, The Med's board chairman Gene Holcomb announced the gravity of its financial losses.
"I think that us having to cut the emergency room, that's probably more than a 50-50 chance," he said.
The hospital's money woes are nothing new. In 2007, The Regional Medical Center brought in Nashville efficiency expert FTI Cambio, LLC, to turn the hospital around.
Internal invoices of FTI's monthly fees and expenses show that with most of the firm's experts living out of town, travel fees were costly.
Rental car expenses exceeded $1,000 at a time and airfare tickets cost about $500 each.
One employee charged nearly $400 for a flight to his deceased mother-in-law's house to clear it out for sale. The same employee rented a car for nearly $84.00, plus gas, parking, breakfast and groceries.
Other charges included dinner that cost over $80 at Downtown Memphis hotspot Spindini.
Another dinner for five cost nearly $200 - more than $36 per meal.
Additional charges include breakfast, valet parking, lunch and dinner. Records show taxpayers also paid for consultants' phone and MLGW bills.
Invoices show the grocery list for a trip to the Farmer's Market include $27 for pork, $37 for seafood, $9 for honey and $21 for unreceipted bread.
When asked for comment, The Med released this statement: "The Med reimburses FTI Cambio for expenses incurred by the FTI Employees working with The Med. These expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the agreement between The Med and FTI Cambio and include travel and living expenses."
Action News 5 requested FTI's contract, which says "the hospital will reimburse employees for reasonable expenditures incurred during approved travel on behalf of the hospital."
Records show that from the time FTI came on board in July 2007 until September of 2009, The Med's losses ran around $19.4 million, while FTI fees and expenses cost taxpayers nearly $14 million, plus an additional $3.5 million bonus.
But The Med says FTI made improvements totaling about $25 million. The firm's contract is nearing its end.
Meanwhile, The Regional Medical Center has just enough money in the bank to stay open for two days at a time.
Mr. Milton,
I met you for the first time at the Democratic Christmas party and I am very impressed. You are a very good person, I am going to vote for you and encourage all of my North Memphis friends and family to do so as well. That was a great party. finally, I am glad to see something good coming from the Democratic
Maybe someone has the answer to my questions, can you be fired from one Memphis City Government job and obtain another job from Memphis City Government? Can someone clean up your personnel file and make this possible?
彼女募集中の人やフリーの人は絶対絡んでください☆ゆきとメールしよ♪ chu-chu-chulip@docomo.ne.jp
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