Memphis Urban Debate League
Public Debate on Healthcare Reform
Public Debate on Healthcare Reform
Forty-seven million Americans are without healthcare insurance and the Republican Party has turned this into an all out attack on President Obama. Democrats need to speak out!
Shelby County Democratic Chairman Van Turner will debate the Shelby County Republican Chairman Lang Wiseman on healthcare reform TONIGHT!!! You don't want to miss this!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
7:00 P.M.
East High School Auditorium
7:00 P.M.
East High School Auditorium
Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $10.00 each. All donations are fully tax deductible. DO NOT BUY YOUR TICKET FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Tickets can be purchased at the door tonight. The funds will go to help the Memphis Urban Debate League.
So come and speak out in support of healtcare reform and watch Chairman Turner whip-up on them Republicans!
So come and speak out in support of healtcare reform and watch Chairman Turner whip-up on them Republicans!